03 February 2011

Replies, Photos, and Links. Lots of them.

First, I give you the sequel to Little Women:

Surprise - it's called Little Men!  :)
Wait... you aren't surprised?

I would love to work in a book shop.  But we've discussed this.

It's Ash's birthday today.  Look at the cover of the card I made her this afternoon in photoshop using a beautiful Georgian painting:

I want a dress like that AND a swing like that, for my birthday.
I think you can probably click on that photo to see it bigger.
Also, obviously, I don't own the rights to that image.

I love the Georgian Era.
Have you seen The Duchess?

I like historical fiction.
I love the look and aesthetic of period films like this.
I also spend a lot of time watching Little Women/Jane Austen films for that reason.
If I'm going to take the time to watch a film, it's probably going to be a period piece.

I have so many books.  People always give me grief about it.  In fact, for Christmas, I was given one of these babies:

I'll admit, it's handy.  I always carry books in my purse, so if I bring my kindle along, I have more to choose from.  And my purse isn't as heavy.  And... I do love paper books, but really, when you get down to the nitty-gritty of it, reading is reading.  I get lost in the words, and that's all that matters.

Next, I'm still growing my hair out, and it's going relatively well.  But I did cut my bangs, so now I have bangs again.  If you want photographic evidence, I will refer you to this photo:

C.S. Lewis is one of my absolute favorites.  Free books are also one of my absolute favorites.

Having both knit and crochet, I believe crocheting is a lot easier.  I'm getting quite good at it, if I do say so myself.  Someday, I'll write a post just to show you all the things I've been crocheting.  Flowers, hats, scarves, and such.  I wish I could crochet some lacy, fancy gloves, like these:

Those are worn by the grown-up Amy in the 1994 film version of Little Women.  And I love them.  I've been keeping my eye out for a pattern similar, but so far, my searches have been fruitless.  So sad.  Someday...

If I had gloves like that, I would host some sort of fancy picnic.  Or afternoon tea.  Or something.  Anything where people would be required to wear gloves like that.

Those hair combs are awfully pretty, too.

I would like to get some good knitting resources and learn how to knit more at some point.  I just don't have a lot of free time, and I love crocheting.  So for now, I am content.  I can do the basics of knitting; I've made scarves and such before when I was younger.

Also, I got cute, Saint Valentine's day gifts from work today.  A little heart container with mints, and custom m&ms.  Adorable.  I love Saint Valentine's Day, actually.  I used to hate it, but now... Well, there's just something special about a day I can set aside to remind myself how much I care about those around me.  Plus, I'm all about lace and doilies and those sorts of things.  Once again, I didn't used to be. This is all fairly recent.

I like to combine black and pink, too.  Soft and feminine, but then more strong with the addition of the black.  I don't know.  It just appeals to me now.  I never used to be the pink type.

Anyway, that was a lot of photos/links.
Hope all's well!
Hope to hear from you soon.
Hope you're as hopeful as I am!  :)

1 comment:

Lace said...

i'll definitely have to keep my eye's peeled for little men.....and more shelving space....
i've never been very good with photoshop. i basically just click a lot until i get something that looks decent. :)but i agree, it would be lovely to have a swing like that. i love swinging. i'd say it's my favorite type of playground equiptment.
i haven't seen the dutchess, but i remember wanting to when it came out. i love those types of films as well. ^_^
a kindle would be sweet to have! at first i was kind of against them, but now i agree with you. although paper books will always be my favorite, electronic books are a lot lighter and more convenient when you want to go somewhere. do you have to buy the books online to get them? or something...? haha! i never did figure out how that worked!
i'm very happy that your hair growing exploits are going well!
also, free books are the best!