03 February 2011

It's Been too Long, Indeed. (In Answer to Your Last Blog)

First of all (well actually 'first of all' is that I hope the blog lets me post this time. So I guess it would be second of all...), I am in need of a job. Very badly. I've been saying I'm going to start looking since summer and I still haven't started. But I'm going to. Soon. I really need the money. I'm hoping to find a small book store that's hiring, but I really doubt I'll find anything like that. Other than that, I have no clue where I should apply. I'm very picky. I absolutely refuse to work in fast food. That's a definite no. And I'd rather do something away from the public eye. I work better that way. So maybe in a hotel cleaning rooms or something. I'm not sure. But I'm going to start looking within a week or two.
I'm thinking your scarf is going to turn out beautifully. I love that pattern. Aunt Becky got me a scarf (well three scarfs, but I like this one the best) that's blue and crocheted. I think you'd like it. If I ever get my camera to work I'll have to take a picture of it for you.
I'm really starting to think I should teach myself how to knit or chrochet......or SOMETHING! I don't really know how to do anything like that. I've always been much more of a let's-read-about-it-to-get-the-general-idea-instead-of-just-learning-how-to-do-it-in-the-first-place type of person. But I'm starting to think that I really should start up a hobby. Well, besides just reading for hours. Also, you'll definitely have to send a picture of your garland. I'm curious to see what it will look like.
I've been reading a lot lately, too. Maybe not as fast as I'd like to, but still reading. I seem to have a problem. I buy the books faster than I can ever read them. So I have two shelves full mostly of books I haven't cracked open yet. Which remids me of another problem. I refuse to stop buying books, which has led me to run completely out of shelf space. Now books are just piling up in random places around my room! I've been seriously considering packing up some of my decorations just to make more room.
Recently, since I got some extra money for Christmas, I've bought Emma, Jane Eyre, Romeo and Juliet, The Hobbit, Mansfeild Park, The Canterbury Tales and Little Women, amongst many others that aren't classic. And I had no idea that Little Women had a sequel. Where have I been? What is it called? I'll have to look for it.
And speaking of books, guess what my neighbor just gave me?! I freaked out! She had all the Harry Potter books up until the fith one in really nice hardback copies just laying around and she gave them to me! I was like 'are you SURE?' and she said 'of course. we don't really read all that much so you can just have them'. It was so nice of her. But she didn't stop there. She also has a book with all the C.S. Lewis books in it that she said I could have when they found it! All I can say is YAY!
Also, I really look forward to reading your fairy tales...well, if you feel like sending them all when you're done. ^_^ And believe it or not, Sweet Porridge is one of the only Grimm's Brother's fairy tales I've read! Other than the obvious ones. So I'm especially excited about the one you based on it.
On a final note, I apologize for the lack of italics. It appears that the blog is still angry with me and doesnt' want me to use proper grammar...and such....so I'm hoping for the best and that it will let me post! Otherwise I'll jusst send you a facebook message like last time. Ta ta!

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