16 December 2010


That's so funny, because it totally sounds like me.  "No thank you."  Haha.  I can actually just totally picture that.

Your friend Belle sounds a lot like a friend of mine who has three little girls.  She had her first in the hospital with drugs, and I know that still bothers her so much.  She had her third up here in Alaska, naturally, and that baby is one of the sweetest babies I've ever seen.

I think the main factor for a lot of women is fear.  I mean, they're told one thing all their lives; they're made to believe that doctors can always help you.  Also, so many people really do seem to believe that ignorance is bliss.  It's sad, but I understand that they're afraid.  Sort of like I was afraid not to go back to college right away.  I mean, I'd been told my whole life that if I didn't go to college, my life would be worthless and entirely devoid of happiness.  It's hard to break away from that.

That said, I think it is very silly not to try to be as informed as possible, not just about childbirth, but about anything that is relevant to your life.

Childbirth and child psychology have always been interesting to me.  All through high school, I worked in a daycare, so I got to be around children and watch them grow up.  (Not to mention the fact that I am the oldest of four children, so I ended up being a second mom to some of them.)  I love watching children develop; it's amazing how smart they really are.  Plus, kids still just have all this hope and faith that so many people lose as adults.  It's wonderful because when I'm around them, it sort of 'recharges' those batteries for me, I think, and I find myself looking at the world with more hope and faith.

Gosh, I wish I could come down there and see all of those babies!  I heard about Anna's birth on facebook and have gotten to see some photos, at least.  Facebook is great, as far as that goes; it's nice to at least feel a little bit in touch with family, even if I'm really not, because I live in the most isolated place in the world.  At least it's beautiful here.  Right now, I'm walking around feeling like I'm in a scene from the Nutcracker, or maybe Narnia, or something.  Just gorgeous.  I'll have to figure out a way to show you more of where I live.  Like, maybe by showing you photos or something?  I don't know.

Oh, look!  There's one, now.  It was taken from the cabin I stay in for part of the summer while I work as a counselor at a camp.  Of course, that doesn't really capture the wintery beauty I'm talking about right now...  But this is the photo I just happened to have sitting on my computer, so there you go!

I meant to actually talk more about childbirth in this post, but I daresay I got a bit off topic.  So... perhaps next time.  Also, when I am on my other computer at home, I'll post more of that fairytale/fantasy/novella/whatever-you-want-to-call-it.  It isn't on my laptop, which is silly, because it if were, I would probably have finished it much faster.  Oh, well.  I suppose I'm learning for next year...


Lately, it seems like babies are everywhere! I think everyone planned it this way; sneaky! Did you hear that Crystal had her baby? Her names Anna and I got to hold her at the Christmas party up at Uncle Mark and Aunt Rosann's house. She had her right before the party, so she was less than a week old! That's the smallest baby I've ever held!

And along with Crystal's baby, Mandy has Shayla, and my friend Belle has her daughter, Loy....so I'm being overwhelmed with this multitude of babies! It's got me back on my natural birth kick. I stopped reading about it around the end of senior year. I was still really into it, I just wasn't in the right mood to read about it for some odd reason. But yesterday I found the copy of The Birth Partner that I borrowed from Belle and read almost 80 pages in about an hour. The entire subject, from babies to birthing them, is just so interesting! I don't know how people can stand not learning about at least a little of it.

It makes me laugh at how defensive I get when someone starts talking about how 'hospitals are so great' or how 'I'm going to get all drugged up for this baby'! I try not to say anything, but sometimes I can't help throwing out a few facts on why it would be better to do it at home and with minimal interventions.....:)

It's really sad for me to hear how misinformed people are. I'm not going to lie....it kinda makes me want to shank some movie directors and newscasters....SHHH!!! And then it makes me even sadder when I tell someone about natural birth, they listen, and then they don't do anything to follow up on the subject and continue being misinformed! I mean really? If someone just told you that there was a whole other way of giving birth that could be better for your baby and that's been around for centuries, no, millinia, wouldn't you at least want to check it out?! And how selfish can you really be? If people were told of the side effects of some of the 'miracle' drugs they use, I'd bet money that at least a few more people would say they wanted to at least try it without them. The difference between babies that I've known who were born naturally vs. babies I've known who were born with their moms (and themselves through the mom) being drugged absolutely astounds me! And the difference between a breastfed baby vs. a formula fed baby is just as amazing.

I guess what I'm heading towards is that birth is a HUGE deal and I just don't see how an almost mother would be able to live with herself if she didn't look at all her options and decide which was the best suited to her. I think that's one of the reasons I admire Belle so much. She had her first son in a hospital with an epidural. But a few years after she had him, she started to get interested in natural childbirth. She has had two babies since, one was born in my basement (awesome, yes?) and the other she had in her new house. No drugs. No hospital. She was able to admit to herself that she may not have done exactly the right thing with her first son, accepted the fact that she simply didn't know back then, moved on, and was more informed with her next two pregnancies and had them in a safer way. I think that most mom's just don't want to admit or acknowledge that they may have made some mistakes with their children's births, so they go on in the same fashion as before, whereas if she could just admit to herself that it could have gone better for the both of them if she was more knowledgeable, she could easily avoid the same mistakes with her future children.

Okay! I really need to stop! This has turned into quite the little rant....sorry about that....^_^ I just get so into it I can't stop writing! Be prepared! There may well be more of these on the way.....hee hee! OH!!! And by the way, did I ever send you a copy of my senior paper? It seems like I did, but I wasn't sure.

Can you believe that I wasn't actually going to write about any of that? Well....except the first part, but still. What I was actually going to tell you was that Aunt Linda let my mom and I borrow some old videos of when we were just little! One of them is just me when I was about three months old. Just doing cute baby Lacey things. The other one was of my first birthday party. It had me, you and Alissa. It must be said: We were the cutest babies ever! It even had us running around nakey after we had a bath! When your mom tried to get you dressed you were trying to escape and saying 'no thank you no thank you no thank you' over and over as I was attempting to go outside with my trike and my bare butt! I made it for about two seconds and then my mom grabbed me! Way to spoil the fun. ^_^ I miss being little and romping around with all my cousins. That was the bestest!

01 December 2010

Speaking of Dragons...

...which we often do around here, for Christmas this year, I am writing several of my friends their own little fairy tales (I use the term 'fairy tale' very loosely, mind you).  This one, written for one of my very dear friends, involves a dragon.  But, *ahem* I haven't really finished it yet.  At all.  At first, it was going to be short, but then the story kept growing and I started writing it in first person, which always seems to make things longer (when I write them, anyway).

Anyway, here is the first little chunk of the story.  If you like it, I'll post more, but no pressure.


            I knelt in the dirt, running my hands through the loam of the field; the ground was still rough and wrinkled from the harvest.  The soil felt good as it slipped through my grip, falling into my lap.  I closed my eyes, smelling the damp earth.  Moisture from the ground soaked slowly and deliciously into the woven fabric of my skirt.  There was nowhere I felt more at home than in these fields.
            “Amber,” Ma called, ripping through the stillness of the moment.  My eyes snapped open, and I jumped up, shaking the lush dirt from my dress and apron.  I ran back to our homestead where Ma waited by the back door.  She held a carved, wooden ladle in her right hand and her left hand rested on her hip.
            “Mind you stomp the dirt off those boots before you come inside,” she said, crossing the kitchen to stir some soup, bubbling aromatically in the enormous soup pot hanging over the fire.
            I hung my dirty apron on a peg by the door, replacing it with a frilly, crisp white apron that Ma deemed ‘suitable for young ladies.’  Ma glanced over her shoulder.
            “You look a fright,” she said disapprovingly.  I smiled, hoping I looked apologetic and becoming.  “You had better go and clean up.  Pa and Rossin are preparing to leave with the men for the hunt tomorrow, and I need you to pick up some things in the village.”
              I went upstairs, glancing at myself in a mirror.  There was a smudge of dirt on my chin and my waist-length hair was tangled.  I had a narrow face with a pointed chin and a small mouth.  Pa had always told me that I’m the most beautiful girl in the village, but I knew that the only interesting things about me were my eyes.  They were dark, luminous green; everyone said they were the color of pine needles.  My brother, Rossin, had eyes of exactly the same color, and was much more handsome than I was lovely.
After I scrubbed my hands, wiped the dirt from my chin, and carefully plaited my newly detangled hair, Ma sent me into the village to gather supplies, but not until spending a copious amount of time despairing over the dirt that I could never quite get out from under my fingernails.
            I passed a crumbling building.  Crops of all kinds were piled in front of it, a beautiful collage.  In our village, people have always placed crops from their harvest in front of the ruins of the ancient building.  It is the only remnant of the people who inhabited the village before we came.  Inside the building there was a book, telling how the people starved during a great famine, and left the safety of the meadow to enter the woods, never returning.  I supposed it was our way of honoring them.  I suspected it was also a visual representation of all of our prayers – please, Lord, never let us starve like that.
            My first stop was the apothecary shop, where I picked up a parcel wrapped in brown paper.  Pa had already paid for the bundle, but had not had the time to wait for them to assemble the various salves and tinctures himself.  I could easily have spend hours gazing at the various bottles and jars displayed in the small shop – they were filled with fascinating ingredients and served so many strange uses.  I enjoyed the floral, earthy aroma of the shop as well.
At the tanner’s shop, I picked up freshly made leather.  Ma would carefully fashion the length of leather into large satchels, in the hope that they would soon be filled with enough meat to feed our family through the coming winter.
On my way home, I passed the Goat’s Tail, a shabby saloon housing the most colorful characters that my village has to offer.  Sitting in front of the saloon was One-Eye Steve, smoking a corn-cob pipe, one of his eyes covered by a dirty, worn patch of leather, his remaining eye fixed on something that none of the rest of us could see.
            “Ah, Little-Lady-Green-Eyes,” he called as I passed in front of him.  “Chilly weather we’re having, don’t yeh think?  But it’s going t’get colder – mark my words!  Ol’ Steve’s been aroun’ a long time, Lil’ Lady.”  His deep voice boomed in an authoritative way I had never heard before.  I nodded in his direction, but kept walking.  One-Eye Steve had always seemed harmless enough to me, but Pa had always warned me to keep my distance from him.
            “Queer sort of fella’,” Pa would say, tapping his left shoulder to ward off evil spirits.  “Always talkin’ big and tellin’ stories.  Keep your distance, Amber.”  I wasn’t superstitious, but I didn’t much fancy the idea of having an extended conversation with One-Eye Steve.  I found his timeless, glassy eye unnerving, and he spoke with a lilting accent that nobody else in our village possessed.  Nobody could remember where he came from or what he did for a living, either.  He was as permanent and dilapidated as the ruined building where we left our crop offerings.
            By the time I caught sight of our homestead again, I’d had plenty of time to ponder One-Eye Steve’s warning.  My fingers were numb; I hadn’t thought of dressing for more warmth when I had left the house.  The cold was coming much earlier than usual this year.  Ma tutted and fussed as soon as I walked through the door, quickly giving me a cup full of scalding soup to wrap my hands around.
            Ma sent me to bed early that night, and I was still too chilled and too full of One-Eye Steve’s warning to argue.

So, as you can see, it has kind of western feel to it, which was my intention for this particular friend.  I'm trying to kind of customize each one to suit the person who will be receiving it.  This is all sort of the set-up for the rest of the story.  Originally, I intended this story to be around 3500-6000 words, but I think it's probably going to end up somewhere in the 7500-13000 words category.

If all of the fairy tales go this way, then there is NO possible way that I'm getting this done before Christmas.  Gah.  (Gah?  Yeah, I'm reeeeally eloquent.)

I'm open for critque/questions/whatever you have to say on it.  Also, if you noticed any glaring grammatical mistakes or misspellings, plllleeease let me know.  Chances are these things are not going to be particularly well-edited.

Back to work!

Happy December,

30 November 2010

"100 truths"

You tagged me in it on facebook; I'll respond here:

1. Real me: Um, I am the real me.  What exactly are you asking for?  My name?  As Romeo said, "What's in a name?  A rose by any other word would smell as sweet."
2. Nickname(s):  I have so many.  Kiwi is one of them.
 3. Zodiac Sign: Gemini
 4. Male or female: I'm a female.
5.Elementary School: I went to different ones; I moved part-way through.
6. High School: Been there, done that.
7. College: I went to the University of Alaska Southeast for a while.  But I didn't especially like it there.  Hopefully 'down south' next year, haha.
8. Hair color: Widely debated
9. Tall or short: Really short.
 11. Sweats or Jeans: Jeans
 12. Phone or Camera: Phone.  Although, my phone has been missing for a week now.  Le sigh.
 13. Health freak: Yeah, a little.  I mean, I try to be as healthy as I can be?  I'm not perfect.
 14. Orange or Apple: Probably apple.
 15. Do you have a crush on someone?: No ma'am.
16. Eat or Drink: I enjoy both.
 17. Piercings:  Three, all on my ears.
18. Pepsi or Coke: Honestly?  I don't know the difference.  I almost never drink soft drinks.  Water, tea, and sometimes coffee.


19. Been in an airplane:  Yeah, plenty of times.  Airplanes and boats are literally the only way to get in and out of this part of the Last Frontier, partner.
20. Been in a relationship: Romantically speaking, no.  I am waiting for 'the one.'
21. Been in a car accident:  I've had close calls, but no.  The roads are icy up here.
22. Been in prison?:  No.


23. First piercing:  My ears.  Then later I added one.
24. First best friend: That's difficult to say.  I guess Amanda and Monica, since we pretty much hung out starting when we were all born.
25. First award: I think it was probably for writing.26. First crush:  This boy in kindergarted; I think his name was Adam.  Isn't it funny that I really don't even remember anymore?  I've never really been all that boy crazy.


 29. Last person you talked to in person: My mom, right now.
30. Last person you texted: I am honestly not sure.  My phone's missing, like I said.  31. Last person you watched a movie with: My friends, Jana and Lindy.
 32. Last food you ate: lasagne
 33. Last movie you watched: The premiere of Deathly Hallows: Part 1.  With the aforementioned Jana and Lindy.  I really haven't had time to watch a film since then.
 34. Last song you listened to: A Disney version of Twelve Days of Christmas.  'Tis the season
36. Last person you hugged: My mom.

37.Favorite Food: Olives.  Seriously, I love them.  Also, cucumbers.  And my daddy's special tiramisu.  He only makes it once a year on my birthday; it literally takes him all day.
38. Drink: Water, tea, and sometimes coffee.
39. Bottoms: Around the house, my pajama pants.  Out of the house, usually either jeans or cords.
40. Flower: Daffodils.
41. Animal:  Girraffes, pandas, dragons...
42. Colors: Purple, usually, but it depends on my mood.
43. Movies: Les Parapluies de Cherbourg, and some others.  It varies depending on my mood, though.

44. Subjects: French, Becoming a Bard, Literature courses, Anthropology.  I really like learning, I just don't always agree with the public school format.

(Put in the brackets if yes)

45. [Nope, waiting for God's best.] fell in love with someone.
46. [Of course] celebrated Halloween.
47. [ ]had your heart broken...
48. [ ] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone.
49. [ ] had someone question my sexual orientation.
51. [ ] got pregnant.
52. [ ] had an abortion.
53. [Haven't we all?] did something I regret.
54. [Probably, but I try not to make promises I can't keep.] broke a promise.
55. [Sure.] hid a secret.
56. [Two words: high school] pretended to be happy.
57. [I think every single person I've met has in at least some way, impacted my life.] met someone who changed your life.
58. [Two words, again: high school.] pretended to be sick.
59. [Just to Canada.] left the country.
60. [Probably?  But I can't think of what right now.] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it.
61. [Yeah, for sure.] cried over the silliest thing.
62. [Yeah.  I didn't think that was uncommon?  Many times.] ran a mile.
63. [Loads of times!] went to the beach with your best friend.  
64. [Yeah, usually over dumb things.] got into an argument with your friends.
65. [ ] hated someone.
66. [I would think everyone has, unless some people start dating before their second birthday?] stayed single for 2 years


67. Eating:  Why would I be eating right now?
68. Drinking: I could drink some tea or water, if I was thirsty, but I'm not.
69. Listening:  My family's chatter.

70. Sitting/Laying: I'm sitting.  At my computer.
71. Plans for today: Well, today is kind of over...
72. Waiting:  I'm waiting for my best friend to freaking come home for winter break already.  Stupid 'higher education.'

73. Want kids?:  As many as possible (if I find the right man and it's what God has in mind for me)!
74. Want to get married?:  Well, yes, if that's what I'm supposed to do with my life, I would really like to be married someday.
75. Career:  Homemaker?

76 Lips or eyes:  Eyes
77. Shorter or taller: Taller.  It shouldn't be hard.
78. Romantic or spontaneous:  Definitely romantic.  I mean, spontaneous is okay, if used sparingly and when appropriate.
 81. Hook-up or relationship:   Relationships.  I don't really think "hook-ups" are what God had in mind for us. 
82. Looks or personality: Personality is really, really important to me, but then, honestly, so is attraction, which, technically, isn't always based on looks.  I mean to say, that if I wasn't attracted to someone, even if they had a great personality, I probably wouldn't marry them.  Of course, the opposite is true.  I wouldn't marry someone solely because I was attracted to them, either.


83. Lost glasses/contacts: Surprisingly, I don't think I have.
86. Killed somebody: Of course not!
87. Broken someone's heart: I definitely wouldn't think so.
88. Been in love:  No.
89. Cried when someone died: Yeah, more than once, unfortunately.


90. Yourself:  Yeah, for the most part I do.
91. Miracles: Absolutely.
92. Love at first sight: Not really.  I mean, I love everyone, automatically, because that's what we are called to do - "Love thy neighbor as thyself."  But in a romantic way, or as a future spouse, I would definitely have to get to know them.
93. Heaven: Definitely.
94. Santa Clause:  Why would you even ask that?!
95. Sex on the first date: Never.
96. Kiss on the first date:  Not for me, personally.  I'd rather save that for a relationship with a little more commitment.

97. Is there one person you want to be with right now: Not romantically, but I *do* really wish that a lot of my friends were home from college.
98. Do you know who your real friends are: Yeah, I do.
99. Do you believe in God:  Yes, I absolutely do.
100. Post as 100 truths?  After all that work?  You bet I will, mister!

23 November 2010


I've been pretty out of touch for the last little while, mainly because our family was really involved in putting on a production of R&H's Cinderella.  It was really quite a lot of fun.  Mom was the stage manager.  Dad was in it (he danced and was a cobbler's apprentice) and helped with the set pieces.  I worked stage left, keeping track of the props, helping the kids, checking costumes, making sure nobody missed their cues, et cetera.  My feet got really sore.  Ashleigh was Queen Constantina:

Constantina Charlotte Ermintrude Gwindyvere Maisie Marguerite Anne

We all had a lot of fun; it's kind of sad that it's over, especially for Ashleigh.  But there shall always be other plays, I suppose...

Me and Clara.  She was a baby mouse -- so cute!

To tie up some loose ends, for Halloween, I ended up whipping together an angel costume.  It seemed appropriate since I was teaching Sunday School that day.  Oh, and by the way, remember that blue and bronze hat?  Voila:

I finished it about a month ago.  Crocheting is now going very well for me.  Just, please, ignore the fact that this is a terrible photograph of me.  I've also made another hat, and I'm working on making Ashleigh a hat.  Hers is a pretty, light blue, with a dark blue flower on it.  Maybe I'll be able to get a photo of that when it's finished.  After that, I'm making a scarf.  It's getting cold around here, so these things are necessary!

I went to the midnight release of Harry Potter seven; did you see it?

And with that... I'm going to watch the Music Man with Zac.

30 October 2010

Dress Up

So, tomorrow is Halloween.  I get into Halloween.  It's the one day of the year that I am allowed to dress up as whatever I want.  (Plus it's the day before All Saints day, and I like All Saints day.)  I love to dress up, so I'm not going to miss the opportunity to do so.

Last year on Halloween, I was recovering from an accident and having skin grafted back onto my foot, so I didn't get to enjoy it much.  Granted, I still dressed up as Alice in Wonderland and hobbled around trick-or-treating for half an hour or so, until it started to snow and my foot started to ache way too much to continue.  Suffice it to say, I didn't get that many miles out of dress up for Halloween last year.

ON A QUICK SIDE NOTE: Check out my sweet Alice in Wonderland costume.  This is me in it four years ago for a Disney party (you can see John from Peter Pan in his pajamas and top hat at the bottom of the photo, I think).  It isn't a great photo, but it's the only one I could find of me in the costume right off.  Aunt Becky made it; she's so darn talented!

Okay, maybe you can only see his top hat, haha.  Anyway, my hair looks weirdly dark and I'm not looking at the camera, but the costume looks great, yes?  End of side note.

This year, Halloween really snuck up on me.  I wanted to be a Swiss girl, you know, with a skirt and girdle and braided hair and everything, but I just didn't have any time to put it all together.  Plus, I couldn't find a costume, because they were all 'sexy.'  I wanted something like this, but not sexy:

So I just literally couldn't find anything and I just sort of ran out of time.  Now I have NO idea what I am going to be for Halloween, which... did I mention that was tomorrow?

My second choice for a costume was Jane from Tarzan, but that is also shockingly hard to find.  What is wrong with the world?  Many, many things.  And, in case it wasn't clear, I really hate the whole 'sexy insert-anything-you-want-here' revolution that is sweeping through a perfectly good holiday.  I mean, nowadays there's such a thing as a 'sexy m&m' costume.  I just do not see the appeal; it's way more fun to actually dress up.

Plus, in Alaska, if you did that you would freeze your butt off.  Just sayin'.

Hopefully I can throw something together before tomorrow, but I just don't know if it's going to happen.  Sad.  I'm going to have to have some kind of dress-up party to make up for all the missed dress-up Holiday opportunities.

29 October 2010

Crocheting: An Adventure in FUN.

Just to update you on the status of my teach-yourself-to-crochet endeavor, I can now say that things are going swimmingly.  I have mastered the single crochet stitch, the half double crochet stitch, the double crochet stitch, and the triple crochet stitch, as well as a type of edging called picot.  This afternoon, I've been working on learning the "Little Fan Stitch," which I think is every bit as cute as it sounds like it would be.  You can see an example of everything except the Little Fan Stitch in this swatch, which I am proudly displaying.  That's the picot trim, by my nose; it's all nice and wavy:

I think that as far as getting started goes, it was quite a bit tougher than knitting, but now that I semi-know what I'm doing, I finally understand why Grandma said it would be easier.  Also, when I poke the hook up through the yarn, it always looks (to me) like a sea monster's head bobbing above the water.  I thought that was appropriate to mention on this blog.

In other adventurous news: this morning I was woken up by a trash can hitting the house just under my window.  It's been extremely windy and stormy all day long.  I'm going to go for a walk.
I guess I'd better start  bundling up.

(Good thing I bought EAR MUFFS.)

I'll post photos of the Little Fan Stitch when I finish with a swatch of it.
Also, the entire upstairs portion of our house smells like paint because we're making props for a production of R&H's Cinderella, which Ashleigh is in - she's Queen Constantina.  Today, we painted fake big wheels of cheese.  I think this gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "stinky cheese."  Also, that probably has a lot to do with why I want to get out of the house... phew.

27 October 2010

Crocheting: An Adventure in FRUSTRATION.

Last night, I went to the store.  It was extremely dark and foggy, but I live fairly near the North Pole, and so, these things are not that unusual around here.  Braving the chill, I was able to make my goal of purchasing some Teach-Yourself-To-Crochet materials.

So far, things have pretty much gone like this:

Yes, at first, I was very confused.
Then I sort of mastered the Single Chain stitch deal.
I felt pretty good about that.

But now, I am attempting to learn the Half Double Chain stitch deal.
This is not so good, and has resulted, more or less, in a lot of this:

Me: Why don't you cooperate, Crochet Hook.
Crochet Hook: Because I don't want to.
Me: I will break you in half.
Crochet Hook: No, you won't.  You paid four bucks for me.
Me: ^%^&$%%&*&%@##$@*

Yeah, so far, all I have to show for HOURS of work is this small fabric swatch, which proves that I can at least crochet the single chain:

Yeah, sad as it is, I'm pretty proud of that little swatch.  Although, to tell you the truth, I probably didn't even do that right.  Le sigh.

Some days, you know?

Probably the best thing to do would be to find someone who actually understands how to crochet, the problem there being that everyone I know knits, not crochets.
Before she passed on, our dear grandmother was going to teach me how to crochet.  I never got the chance to learn from her, but boy, would that have been a dream!  She's the one who told me that learning to crochet would be easier than learning to knit.  To which I emphatically say, 'Huh?'

Alright, I guess I'll give my poor hands a break and get ready for Nate's cello concert.

26 October 2010


This is a mask.  It is gorgeous.  I want it.  I also really want to learn to sculpt masks from leather.  These are incredible.  I'm partial to owls, but there are many amazing animals in their shop.  I'm just so impressed by these; I thought I'd share.
Also, in case you're wondering about the process as much as I am/ for my own future reference, I am including a handy link to a tutorial on making leather masks.  Maybe I'll do it someday.  I also think just learning to work leather, maybe making leather bracelets or something, would be fun.

Today, however, my goal is to learn how to crochet.  We'll see.
I mean, I guess that's more of a long-term goal, but my plan is to at least START today.
It's raining out, so it's a good day to put this plan into action.
This goal stems from my love of hats.  I really want to make a dark blue/bronze one.
I already have too many hats.  But they're SMALL.  I can stuff them all in one drawer.  It's less of a problem than if I collected jeans, or something.  Those take up a lot of room.

I would, ahem, like to point out that I live in Alaska.  Hats are very practical here.

Someday, I'll also crochet an afghan.
Simple goals, really.

On the plus side, I've heard that crocheting is easier than knitting.  And I already know how to knit, and that isn't so hard!  So this crocheting thing is going to be easy-peasy, right?  Right.

Oh.  And I'm also making chicken and dumplings for dinner.
It just seems like an appropriate sort of thing to do on a wet, cold, fall day like today, don't you think?
Plus, I have a delicious chicken and dumplings recipe.
Plus, for some reason, cooking chicken and dumplings makes me feel like Ma from the Little House series.  I'm not sure why.  I don't think she ever even made chicken and dumplings.
It just does, okay?

It looks like I might have a busy day at home, after all.

24 October 2010


Sooo... I went for the piercing.  I got it done yesterday.  The last time I pierced my ears, I was eight, which was quite a while ago.  I was a little nervous, but I didn't remember it hurting last time.  I think this time it hurt a little bit more than it hurt last time, but it wasn't bad.  It feels completely fine now.
At first I was kind of like, "What did I do!?" because I just wasn't used to seeing it on my ear.  But now, I'm really liking it.  I'm actually so glad I did it.
That said, I think I can officially say that this is my last piercing.

Do you have your ears pierced or anything?

21 October 2010


I think I can forgive us, though.

In unrelated news, though, I think I'm going to get my ear pierced again.
I already have just normal earlobe piercings, one on each ear.
I want to add one to my right earlobe, so it will be pierced twice.

I'll stop there.  I just really like the number three, and I like how twice-pierced lobes look.  I'm not really a big piercings enthusiast, or anything like that.

Oh, and, hey, check out what I bought:

Yeah, I just couldn't help myself.  And it seemed very appropriate to mention on this particular blog.

I also bought a whole bunch of blue beads.  Why?

Why, so I can re-create the butterbeer cork necklace, naturally.
I also really want to figure out those dirigible plum earrings, but that seemed like a much more time-consuming project.
I've got to find a Ravenclaw tie, too, because I want to dress up for the new film.  Not as Luna; just as someone who's in Ravenclaw.  I would definitely be in Ravenclaw.

Also, because Luna has some gorgeous long hair, I am reminded that I should update you on that front: operation growing-out-the-hair seems to be progressing well.  It's getting longer.  I haven't cut it... well, except my bangs.  I don't think that should count.  I will keep you updated, and you can keep me accountable, kay?

I love you!

15 September 2010

Don't Unplug Me

Yesterday, I went to the store and bought new shampoo and conditioner and everything.  As per your suggestion, I got the "Long Term Relationship" leave-in conditioner.  Oh.  My.  Lanta.

This stuff smells fantastic.  I can't even believe it.  I can already see that this is the beginning of a b-e-a-utiful relationship.  I haven't used the new shampoo/conditioner yet because I haven't actually showered yet.  Later today, I shall.

Now I just have to wait for my hair to get longer, ha.

Also, I greatly enjoy this video:

What can I say?  I'm a sucker for robot love stories, I guess.

12 September 2010

It's amazing...

You know, it's really quite fun to think that we went from this:

To this:

...to whatever we are now.  Too bad there's no photographic evidence because I live ridiculously far away.  Sad times.

Maybe that will all change next year.
Maybe not.
But maybe.

Also, your hair is so long.  Teach me your ways.  I'm trying to grow my hair out right now.  I've kept it around shoulder length for a really long time.  I don't want it quite so long as yours, or anything.  But I do wish that it was a little bit longer, you know?

Give the family my love!

03 September 2010

Books, books, books.

Yesterday, my pre-ordered copy of Cassandra Clare's Clockwork Angel arrived in the mail.  I'd been anticipating this book release for quite some time, so suffice it to say that I was reasonably elated when it arrived a day before Amazon told me it would.

If you haven't read any of Ms. Clare's books, I would highly suggest them.  Clockwork Angel is the first installment of a prequel trilogy to her original book series "The Mortal Instruments."  I believe them to be  quite excellent.

That link above will take you to Amazon's page about the first book of her Mortal Instruments series, otherwise, Ms. Clare has a website which you can also visit to learn more about the author/the books, should you wish to know more about either.  The internet is just so fun!

August was a good month for book releases!  It was fun because I haven't been looking forward to books coming out for quite a long time.  Sometimes I think the anticipation of a book release is every bit as fun (though sometimes more painful!) as the pleasure of actually reading the book itself.

Have you read The Hunger Games trilogy?  Mockingjay, the last book of the trilogy, came out in August as well.

Mockingjay was incredible.  I am really beyond words to describe it.  If you are ever in your life going to take a reading suggestion from me, you should choose this one and go find yourself a copy of The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.  Right this second.  Stop reading this blog and get thee to a library or a bookstore or something!

Speaking of bookstores, I've always wanted to work in one.  But there aren't any Borders or Barnes and Nobles up here in the far north.  I get my books in the mail.  Le sigh.

Someday, I will move just for the pleasure of working in a bookstore.  I actually did  think about coming down and staying with Aunt Becky for a while this year... but that is probably a whole 'nother blog post.

In unrelated news, when I have babies, they will wear things like this:

Lots of love from Alaska!

31 August 2010

Happy birthblogday?

In all technicality, this blog was born a few nights ago, when I was up late, pondering the state of the world in general.  You see, I live in Alaska, also known as "The Last Frontier," also known as, "the-most-isolated-place-you-will-ever-live-ever."  Okay, maybe only I think of it that way, but still.

The problem was that you, Lace, live all the way in Idaho.  According to Mapquest, it would take about forty-one hours for me to drive from my front door to your front door, and that doesn't really include the full-day ferry ride.  When you take ferry tickets and gas money into consideration, you seem even further away.

What are two cousins to do when they only really see eachother once every four or five years?

This is where the internet can be a beautiful thing.  It can bridge together two people who live a two-thousand--mile-drive-apart.  (Hey, if we meet in the middle, that's only a thousand miles each!  Much more doable, not.)

Communicating via facebook was great, but things start getting cluttered; you start posting eachother too many notes, and you know something has to be done!  This was one of many thoughts swimming through my heads a few nights ago, until I thought of a remedy: Why not start a blog?

I messaged you, still not sure whether this was one of my 'great' ideas or one of my 'crazy' ideas, but you seemed to like it, and the blog was born.

Hopefully it will help us bridge those two thousand miles!