15 September 2010

Don't Unplug Me

Yesterday, I went to the store and bought new shampoo and conditioner and everything.  As per your suggestion, I got the "Long Term Relationship" leave-in conditioner.  Oh.  My.  Lanta.

This stuff smells fantastic.  I can't even believe it.  I can already see that this is the beginning of a b-e-a-utiful relationship.  I haven't used the new shampoo/conditioner yet because I haven't actually showered yet.  Later today, I shall.

Now I just have to wait for my hair to get longer, ha.

Also, I greatly enjoy this video:

What can I say?  I'm a sucker for robot love stories, I guess.

12 September 2010

It's amazing...

You know, it's really quite fun to think that we went from this:

To this:

...to whatever we are now.  Too bad there's no photographic evidence because I live ridiculously far away.  Sad times.

Maybe that will all change next year.
Maybe not.
But maybe.

Also, your hair is so long.  Teach me your ways.  I'm trying to grow my hair out right now.  I've kept it around shoulder length for a really long time.  I don't want it quite so long as yours, or anything.  But I do wish that it was a little bit longer, you know?

Give the family my love!

03 September 2010

Books, books, books.

Yesterday, my pre-ordered copy of Cassandra Clare's Clockwork Angel arrived in the mail.  I'd been anticipating this book release for quite some time, so suffice it to say that I was reasonably elated when it arrived a day before Amazon told me it would.

If you haven't read any of Ms. Clare's books, I would highly suggest them.  Clockwork Angel is the first installment of a prequel trilogy to her original book series "The Mortal Instruments."  I believe them to be  quite excellent.

That link above will take you to Amazon's page about the first book of her Mortal Instruments series, otherwise, Ms. Clare has a website which you can also visit to learn more about the author/the books, should you wish to know more about either.  The internet is just so fun!

August was a good month for book releases!  It was fun because I haven't been looking forward to books coming out for quite a long time.  Sometimes I think the anticipation of a book release is every bit as fun (though sometimes more painful!) as the pleasure of actually reading the book itself.

Have you read The Hunger Games trilogy?  Mockingjay, the last book of the trilogy, came out in August as well.

Mockingjay was incredible.  I am really beyond words to describe it.  If you are ever in your life going to take a reading suggestion from me, you should choose this one and go find yourself a copy of The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.  Right this second.  Stop reading this blog and get thee to a library or a bookstore or something!

Speaking of bookstores, I've always wanted to work in one.  But there aren't any Borders or Barnes and Nobles up here in the far north.  I get my books in the mail.  Le sigh.

Someday, I will move just for the pleasure of working in a bookstore.  I actually did  think about coming down and staying with Aunt Becky for a while this year... but that is probably a whole 'nother blog post.

In unrelated news, when I have babies, they will wear things like this:

Lots of love from Alaska!