31 August 2010

Happy birthblogday?

In all technicality, this blog was born a few nights ago, when I was up late, pondering the state of the world in general.  You see, I live in Alaska, also known as "The Last Frontier," also known as, "the-most-isolated-place-you-will-ever-live-ever."  Okay, maybe only I think of it that way, but still.

The problem was that you, Lace, live all the way in Idaho.  According to Mapquest, it would take about forty-one hours for me to drive from my front door to your front door, and that doesn't really include the full-day ferry ride.  When you take ferry tickets and gas money into consideration, you seem even further away.

What are two cousins to do when they only really see eachother once every four or five years?

This is where the internet can be a beautiful thing.  It can bridge together two people who live a two-thousand--mile-drive-apart.  (Hey, if we meet in the middle, that's only a thousand miles each!  Much more doable, not.)

Communicating via facebook was great, but things start getting cluttered; you start posting eachother too many notes, and you know something has to be done!  This was one of many thoughts swimming through my heads a few nights ago, until I thought of a remedy: Why not start a blog?

I messaged you, still not sure whether this was one of my 'great' ideas or one of my 'crazy' ideas, but you seemed to like it, and the blog was born.

Hopefully it will help us bridge those two thousand miles!